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BVN Annual General Meeting

Thursday, February 18, 7:30 pm on ZOOM WATCH AMAR'S NATURE MOMENTS BVN will hold its annual general meeting on February 18 this year. This Virtual meeting will include a brief election of directors, a presentation of annual financial statements and a review of accomplishments and activities over the past year. The formalities will be followed… Read More »BVN Annual General Meeting

Potential impacts of the Three Sisters Mountain Village Development

Learn more about the potential impacts of the Three Sisters Mountain Village Development Proposal that is before Canmore Town Council now! Learn more and make your voice heard at Moderator: Gareth Thomson Short presentations from the following panelists followed by an interactive Q&A. Ruben Nelson – Community/Affordable Housing Ron Casey– Politics and Process Karsten Heuer – Wildlife… Read More »Potential impacts of the Three Sisters Mountain Village Development

The Ya Ha Tinda Elk Herd: Long-term Insights into Predator-prey Ecology and Conservation with Mark Hebblewhite

Wednesday, February 24, 7:30 pm via ZOOM WATCH RECORDING The Ya Ha Tinda is one of Alberta’s unique ecosystems, and home to some of the best habitat for Banff’s wildlife such as wolves, elk, grizzly bears. Since 2001, Mark, his students, and collaborators have conducted what is now North America’s longest running research project on… Read More »The Ya Ha Tinda Elk Herd: Long-term Insights into Predator-prey Ecology and Conservation with Mark Hebblewhite

Life on the Edge: Identifying Mountain Goat Habitat Hotspots in the High Alpine with Laura Kroesen

Tuesday, March 23 at 7:30 pm via ZOOM WATCH RECORDING  Mountain goats are the original mountaineers eking out a living along cliff sides. These sure-footed climbers rarely venture far from the mountain-tops, so how do we understand mountain goat behaviour when they are so hard to observe within their cliffy dwellings?  Laura’s research aims to… Read More »Life on the Edge: Identifying Mountain Goat Habitat Hotspots in the High Alpine with Laura Kroesen

Earth Day: Screening of “Why Equity?” + Q&A with Harvey Locke & Marie-Eve Marchand ~ LIVE STREAM

  Program Fee: FREE Register Now Join us for a special Earth Day screening and conversation in partnership with Bow Valley Climate ActionJoin ArtsPlace in partnership with Bow Valley Climate Action on Earth Day and be one of the first to see the new show, Why Equity? The Importance of an Equitable, Carbon-Neutral, Nature-Positive World and ask questions… Read More »Earth Day: Screening of “Why Equity?” + Q&A with Harvey Locke & Marie-Eve Marchand ~ LIVE STREAM